
Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Weight Loss services offered in Ocala, FL

Carrying excess body weight is something many people would like to change about themselves, but they struggle to achieve results. If you’re seeking expert help with weight loss, Marion Heart Center & Marion Physician Associates in Ocala, Florida, can help. The experienced family practitioners provide expert diet counseling and support services for people who want to lose weight healthily and sustainably. Change how you look at food and shed those excess pounds by calling the Downtown or Ocala West office, or book an appointment online today.

Why do I need to consider weight loss?

You should consider weight loss because it’s one of the most effective ways of improving your health and preventing life-threatening medical conditions, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Gallstones
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Some cancers

Carrying unnecessary weight strains your organs, bones, and joints, making them more vulnerable to disease. It’s also much harder to get enough physical activity and exercise when you’re overweight. Less exercise means you put more weight on, and your health problems worsen even more.

If you’re overweight, Marion Heart Center & Marion Physician Associates can help you shed the excess pounds safely and sustainably so you live a longer, healthier, and happier life.

How do I know if I need to lose weight?

If you want to know how overweight you are, there’s a standard measurement called body mass index (BMI) that gives you a reasonable idea. A BMI calculator uses your height and weight to produce a score.

If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you’re likely overweight. If your BMI is 30 or over, you’re clinically obese. There are three levels of obesity depending on how far above 30 your BMI score is. Stage 3 obesity is so severe it’s also known as morbid obesity because the risks to your health are so high.

BMI is a useful tool for getting an idea of how overweight you are, but it’s only a guide. The Marion Heart Center & Marion Physician Associates team looks at your body type and other influences on your weight as well and adapts your weight loss plan accordingly.

What’s the best way to achieve weight loss?

Losing weight can be a considerable challenge, so if you’re struggling, you’re not alone. What works for one person won’t necessarily be as effective for another, so there’s no magic formula that guarantees success.

However, if you have Marion Heart Center & Marion Physician Associates helping you, your chances of achieving successful, long-term weight loss are far greater. The team provides personalized diet plans that help you eat healthily and lose weight more effectively.

They can also support you by monitoring your health and helping you manage chronic conditions that affect weight loss.

Find out more about safe and effective weight loss by calling your nearest Marion Heart Center & Marion Physician Associates office or booking an appointment online today.