
Vascular Treatment

Vascular Treatment

Vascular Treatment services offered in Ocala, FL

Artery and vein diseases are among the most widespread medical conditions in the United States. Marion Heart Center & Marion Physician Associates in Ocala, Florida, offers cutting-edge vascular treatment for blood vessel disorders. The highly skilled team also has heart specialists to provide comprehensive cardiovascular care. Call the Downtown or Ocala West Marion Heart Center & Marion Physician Associates office to learn more, or request a consultation online today. 

What is vascular treatment?

Vascular diseases affect your circulatory system, which consists of the following blood vessels:


Arteries are large blood vessels that transport oxygenated blood away from your heart.


Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that link the small veins and arteries. They deliver oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues and remove waste.


Veins return used blood to your heart for reoxygenation.

You might require vascular treatment if the Marion Heart Center & Marion Physician Associates team diagnoses a problem with your circulation.

What vascular diseases commonly require treatment?

The most common vascular diseases include:  

  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD)
  • Renal artery disease
  • Raynaud's phenomenon
  • Carotid artery disease
  • Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)
  • Varicose veins
  • Spider veins
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Pulmonary embolisms
  • Superficial thrombophlebitis
  • Aortic aneurysms
  • Lymphedema
  • Vasculitis

PAD and carotid artery disease develop when plaque narrows arteries in your legs (PAD) or neck. Plaque is a sticky coating formed from cholesterol and waste products that build up in the blood. The narrowed vessels restrict and sometimes block blood flow.

In PAD, this can lead to gangrene (tissue death) and limb loss. Carotid artery disease can trigger strokes.

What vascular disease treatments are available?

Vascular disease treatment varies depending on the condition and its severity. Examples include:

Lifestyle changes

A healthy, low-fat diet, regular exercise, and avoiding bad habits like smoking are vital for good circulatory health. Weight loss is also critical if you weigh more than is recommended for your size.


Drugs you might need for vascular diseases include:

  • Thrombolytics (clot-busting drugs)
  • Blood pressure medicines
  • Statins (cholesterol-lowering medications)
  • Vasodilators to open blood vessels
  • Anticoagulants (blood thinners)
  • Steroids for vasculitis

Many people manage their vascular diseases adequately for years with medications and lifestyle changes.

CVI treatments

CVI, which causes varicose veins, might be manageable with compression stockings or sleeves. Other treatments include endovenous laser or radiofrequency ablation and sclerotherapy to destroy damaged veins, as well as phlebectomy to remove severe varicose veins.


Catheterization is where your provider passes a flexible tube (catheter) along a large artery. A common example is balloon angioplasty, which flattens plaque against the artery walls. You may also have a stent (small mesh tube) to hold the artery open. Other procedures can remove blood clots and scrape away plaque.

Call Marion Heart Center & Marion Physician Associates to learn more about vascular treatments, or schedule a consultation online today.